Friday, May 1, 2015

iPhone 7: The New iPhone Product to Release This Year?

It has been a rumor among the gadget freaks that Apple is about to release its newest iPhone version soon this year, iPhone 7. 

As released by Macworld, iPhone 7 is a hot topic which emerges seven months since the launching of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. Some speculate that the iPhone 7 will be launched in 2015. Some are still not sure what's the name of the newest iPhone product.

What will be the newest product of the next generation of iPhone like? It may be iPhone 6s, iPhone 6c, iPhone 6s Plus or simply 'New iPhone or even iPhone 7. Some other questions are: 'What new features can we expect in the iPhone 7?', 'And when will the iPhone 7 come out?' Some are still guessing what will the fabrication is about to release.

According to Macworld, they predict about iPhone 7:
  1. Apple will launch a couple of iPhones - probably two, maybe three - in September 2015, much as it does every year.
  2. It is predicted that the newest iPhone will have 4.7-inch screen and a 5.5-inch iPhone 7 Plus. 
  3. It is possible too that Apple is consistent naming conventions. It could be called the New iPhone Max.
  4. The iPhone 7 will not be a fat phone, but the iPhone 6 series phones need to be significantly thinner. They expect roughly the same dimensions as the current generation. 
  5. Battery life may be a little better, but it won't be a lot better. 
  6. Higher screen resolution is a possibility - Apple exploded the 'Retina is as sharp as your eyes can see' myth with the iPhone 6 Plus, and the company is playing catchup against many of its rivals in this department. 
  7. The rumours of a dual-lens camera offering 'DSLR-like' picture quality wholly convincing. The camera is a key area for every new iPhone and would be something Apple could build a launch presentation around.
  8. The iPhone 7 could get a USB-C port, like the new 12-inch MacBook, but it is possible this is unlikely. The change from 30-pin to Lightning is recent enough (and was painful enough for many users) that to switch again now would be highly controversial.
  9. 3D screen: no. Curved display: almost certainly not. Curved or flexible iPhone: nope. Edge-to-edge screen: yes, quite possibly. Spring-out gaming joystick in the Home button: definitely not. Wireless charging: maybe, but probably not yet.
If the prediction will be right, then we could have the newest generation of iPhone 7 this year. Are you waiting for changing the newest version of iPhone? Let's wait and see.

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